Attorney and Advocate for the Seriously Ill and Injured

“Most liability lawyers simply guide accident victims through the courts. Joseph Romano is a liability lawyer with a modern – day twist: He also guides his clients through the mazes of managed care”.
“The Patients – To their Defense”
Wall Street Journal
Joseph Romano is a nationally known attorney/advocate whose practice is limited to the representation of children and adults with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, burns, and other serious/catastrophic injuries. “Mr. Romano has recovered One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000) on behalf of individual clients, including those who have suffered catastrophic injuries because of trauma, premises liability, product liability, automobile accidents, medical malpractice, tractor trailer accidents, and pool and recreational injuries.
Private health insurance companies, self-insureds, and managed care insurers can reduce, limit, or refuse to pay benefits for catastrophic injuries and illnesses. The trend is for health insurers to pay benefits for a limited period. Unfortunately, insurers have succeeded in minimizing inpatient acute and rehabilitation care, putting pressure on families to deliver patient care in the home setting. The insurance companies promise of skilled nursing and attendant care gives families a false sense of security; they agree to the discharge believing they will have the assistance they will need, only to have their healthcare benefits reduced or terminated.
Unlike most personal injury attorneys, Mr. Romano and his team will advocate and fight with his client’s health insurer, aggressively appeal health insurance benefits in the early stages of his client’s injuries to maximize their rehabilitation care and return to independence. An extensive investigation to determine what caused an individual’s injury is needed to determine what funds will be available to pay for short-term and long-term benefits. Lifetime expenses associated with any catastrophic injury can easily reach millions of dollars.
Mr. Romano also assists clients with discharge planning and identifying and securing “private funding” from third-party private companies. This funding pays for needed supports and services and allows the family to care for their loved one at home and avoid residential placement.
Mr. Romano has received awards and commendations from the American Trauma Society, The Brain Injury Association of America, The American Spinal Cord Injury Association, Phoenix Society (burns), and Cerebral Palsy organizations. In addition, Mr. Romano was elected to the Pennsylvania Association of the National Head Injury Foundation Hall of Fame.
In 1996, Mr. Romano was selected as the only attorney along with medical experts in the field of traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to write a chapter in the medical treatiste Neurotrauma. His chapter is entitled Medico-Legal Aspects of Head and Spinal Injury. Since 1988 Mr. Romano has published over 300 articles and seven editions of the Legal Rights of the Catastrophically Ill and Injured: A Family Guide.
If you have questions or would like more information call (800) 331-4134 or email
Families need to fight for all of the benefits and services that their loved one is entitled to, and use Private Funding to supplement their existing health insurance and governmental benefits.
Language interpretation service available upon request.

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If you have questions or if you would like to receive a FREE copy of Joseph Romano’s book “Legal Rights of the Seriously Ill and Injured: A Family Guide” please call (800) 331-4134 or email